Preniphor EPFR APP (II) Series

These series contains  Ammonium Polyphosphates which is  a halogen free solution to provide fire resistance to a broad range of substrates such as steel, wood,  textiles,  potting compounds and many more. Some of the characteristics of  these series are as below : - 

1. High Polymerization Degree  

2. Good Weather Resistance

3. Excellent Crystal Structure

4. Small content of low polymerization substance

5. Outstanding thermal stability 


There are wide range of APP grades available for meeting high performance fire rating standards for renowned organizations such as IS, ASTM, DIN, BS etc. for manufacturing following range of products :- 

1.Waterborne /  Solvenborne Intumescent Coatings for steel, Wood & Textile substrates 

2.Epoxy Potting Compounds for electrical insulation purpose

Presafer (Qingyuan) Phosphor Chemical Co. Ltd.